Delicious cheesecake cookie bars with a hint of almond flavoring, swirled with simple homemade cranberry sauce and topped with sliced almonds. Easy to...
This recipe makes a great Christmas cookie. The white chocolate chips, chopped almonds, and dried cherry-flavored cranberries create the perfect combination...
This recipe makes a great Christmas cookie. The white chocolate chips, chopped almonds, and dried cherry-flavored cranberries create the perfect combination...
These are THE BEST cookies I ever made! They are a great hit with my family and friends. One variation is to add 1 cup of walnuts and 3/4 cup of dried...
Crunchy yet tender and buttery, these sparkling intertwined wedding ring-shaped cookies will become your go-to butter cookie. They actually improve in...
Crunchy yet tender and buttery, these sparkling intertwined wedding ring-shaped cookies will become your go-to butter cookie. They actually improve in...
I was pleasantly surprised when my late night sugar munchies concoction tasted fabulous. They're cake-like; barely crisp around the edges and so soft inside...
These gluten-free slices of zesty lemon goodness really are hard to resist. They're light, tangy, and the perfect companion to a nice cup of tea. Top with...
A moist and light orange flavored gluten-free cake that can be served alone with light yogurt for afternoon tea, or add the orange sauce for a decadent...
This moist cake is a perfect winter dessert when pears are in season. Change it up for other seasons using raspberries, peaches, or apples instead of the...
I have four daughters, and my family has a big love of a certain candy bar. I was inspired to create a cookie that would satisfy the cravings! The result...
Quick and easy treat to enjoy anytime: chewy yet crunchy, sweet and salty goodness from heaven. Bet you can't eat just one! Once completely set you can...
This candied popcorn is a yummy twist on normal buttered popcorn. Plus, it is quick to make and oh so good! Almond bark is slightly sweeter than white...
This very easy and fun cake made from scratch is a moist, light cake good as a dessert, breakfast, or brunch. A berrylicious delight which can satisfy...
This is a fabulous blue cookie! It is a great treat for an Independence Day celebration! I have just been here in America for 7 months and this is my first...
I have four daughters, and my family has a big love of a certain candy bar. I was inspired to create a cookie that would satisfy the cravings! The result...
This super-moist banana Bundt® cake is aromatic and irresistible. It's made with yogurt, and a delectable almond streusel hides inside for a sweet surprise...
I was making ice cream one day for the people at work and I accidentally burnt some of the almonds while toasting them and just threw them in anyway. My...
My 12-year-old granddaughter, Annalise, made this for a church party and won the contest for best dessert. It is more yummy than the candy bar it is named...
This is a slightly sweet cookie with a texture that reminds me of a pecan sandy. It is a perfect dessert for those on a low-carb or keto diet. For best...